--- (card data b657b7db 1 "Fri Oct 26 12:49:55 +0100 2018" (A (a "Number #" (int 405))(a "Pi" (real 3.415))(a "datetime" (datetime "Fri Oct 26 12:49:55 +0100 2018"))(a "option.1" (C (string "two")(delimited-string ";" "one;two;three;four;five")))(a "option.2" (C (int 2)(delimited-string "," "Butterfly,Rabbit,Hamster")))(a "Alice" (string "in wonderland"))(a "List of Things" (delimited-string "," "Butterfly,Rabbit,Hamster"))(a "Id" (uint8 101)))) --- card type=data id=b657b7db version=1, 7 attribute(s) attributes: Alice type= string in wonderland List of Things type= delimited-string Butterfly,Rabbit,Hamster Id type= uint8 101 Number # type= int 405 Pi type= real 3.415 option.1 type= C () +two+one;two;three;four;five option.2 type= C () +2+Butterfly,Rabbit,Hamster