Orchestration Designs (2018–ongoing)

  • gitlab project page

A small collection of designs (in the form of a newsletter), specifically targeting an idea of providing a renderfarm management tool.

Temps.co.uk (2014)

  • gitlab source page

A job board specifically designed for the temporary workforce; developed for multiple shakeholders using a basic microservice approach built on the Rackspace Platform, services were developed in golang with an Angular (1.x) UI/UX.

Architectural Lighting (2012–ongoing)

LED control box using embeddied HTTP server in a microcontroller.

Countryside Aura Marketing Site Phase 1

Domain Specific Language Configuration Sample

# Countryside Aura Marketing Site Phase 1

for site "aura-6" described as "Countryside Aura Marketing Site Phase 1"
  use interface version 1
  configure with
    generated key
    set all defaults as off
      attractor, pulsar and test as on
       events and load as on

  program with
    generated key
    baseurl is "/countryside/aura/phase1"
    start led is 1
    for led 1 to 46
      map led to "/%03d/"
     colour red to "/sold/"
     colour white to "/aval/"
     blank to "/"
     attract of 2 leds with slow timing to "/attract/slow/"
     attract of 5 leds with fast timing to "/attract/"
     pulsar of 2 intervals with slow timing to "/pulsar/slow/"
     pulsar of 8 intervals with fast timing to "/pulsar/"
     reset to "/reset/" 
Auto-Generated S-Expression Configuration Sample

;;; Auto-Generated 2014-03-28 20:10:15.155999462 +0000 GMT
;;; Machine Hal
;;; User mae
;;; Source /home/mae/local/work/pinhole.design/sites/countryside/aura/phase-1/lbox/aura-6.conf
;;; Countryside Aura Marketing Site Phase 1

(Config "aura-6" (1 "lightbox/api/v1") (
	(key 927a74a4)
	(info "Countryside Aura Marketing Site Phase 1" "2014-03-28T20:10:15Z")
	(set attract on)
	(set pulsar on)
	(set accumulate off)
	(set test on)
	(markandtally (events on) (load on))))

(Program "aura-6" (1 "lightbox/api/v1") (
	(key 9afc490c)
	(info "Countryside Aura Marketing Site Phase 1" "2014-03-28T20:10:15Z")
	(baseurl "/countryside/aura/phase1")
	(start led 1)
	(led 1 "/001/")
	(led 2 "/002/")
	(led 3 "/003/")
	(led 4 "/004/")
	(led 5 "/005/")
	(led 6 "/006/")
	(led 7 "/007/")
	(led 8 "/008/")
	(led 9 "/009/")
	(led 10 "/010/")
	(led 11 "/011/")
	(led 12 "/012/")
	(led 13 "/013/")
	(led 14 "/014/")
	(led 15 "/015/")
	(led 16 "/016/")
	(led 17 "/017/")
	(led 18 "/018/")
	(led 19 "/019/")
	(led 20 "/020/")
	(led 21 "/021/")
	(led 22 "/022/")
	(led 23 "/023/")
	(led 24 "/024/")
	(led 25 "/025/")
	(led 26 "/026/")
	(led 27 "/027/")
	(led 28 "/056/")
	(led 29 "/057/")
	(led 30 "/058/")
	(led 31 "/059/")
	(led 32 "/060/")
	(led 33 "/061/")
	(led 34 "/062/")
	(led 35 "/066/")
	(led 36 "/063/")
	(led 37 "/064/")
	(led 38 "/065/")
	(led 39 "/070/")
	(led 40 "/067/")
	(led 41 "/068/")
	(led 42 "/069/")
	(led 43 "/074/")
	(led 44 "/071/")
	(led 45 "/073/")
	(led 46 "/072/")
	(colour (255 0 0) "/sold/")
	(colour (255 255 255) "/aval/")
	(blank 0 "/")
	(attract (2 slow) "/attract/slow/")
	(attract (5 fast) "/attract/")
	(pulsar (2 slow) "/pulsar/slow/")
	(pulsar (8 fast) "/pulsar/")
	(reset 0 "/reset/")))


Hello World in go

package main

import (

var (
	Salutations = []string{"Hello $@", "Bye $@", "See you later", "Hi $@, how are you?", "The time is $T"}

func main() {

	echo := flag.Bool("echo", false, "echo from standard input")
	help := flag.Bool("help", false, "help description")
	dmenu := flag.Bool("dmenu", false, "output list of salutations for dmenu")
	salutation := flag.Bool("salutation", false, "use input as salutation template")


	/* show usage and help */
	if *help {

		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "example usage :-\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "\t./hello | ./hello -echo\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "\tusing dmenu to choose saluation, ./hello -dmenu | dmenu -p \"salutation\" | ./hello -salutation\n\n")

		flag.VisitAll(func(f *flag.Flag) {

			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "%6s | %s\n", f.Name, f.Usage)

	/* generate dmenu list */
	if *dmenu {
		for _, sal := range Salutations {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, sal+"\n")

	/* create a simple template function, we only template for
	 * username $@, stdin $_, and current time $T */
	template := func(t string, u *user.User, now time.Time) string {

		if strings.Contains(t, "$@") {
			t = strings.Replace(t, "$@", u.Name, -1)

		if strings.Contains(t, "$T") {
			t = strings.Replace(t, "$T", now.Format("15:04"), -1)

		return t

	snip := func(in string) string {
		if in[len(in)-1] == '\n' {
			return in[:len(in)-1]
		return in

	/* gather information about the current user */
	whoami, err := user.Current()
	if err != nil {
		goto hello

	/* if in echo mode then read-in on standard input */
	if *echo {

		reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
		input, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
		if err != nil {
			goto hello

		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "[%s] says %q\n", whoami.Username, snip(input))

	if *salutation {

		reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
		input, err := reader.ReadString('\n')
		if err != nil {
			goto hello

		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "%s\n", template(snip(input), whoami, time.Now()))

	/* otherwise say hello to the user */
	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "%s\n", template(Salutations[0], whoami, time.Now()))

	/* this is generally bad form -- but it's a nice way
	 * to handle errors and give an expected reply.
	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stdout, "Hello there\n")

./hello -dmenu | dmenu -p "salutation" | ./hello -salutation
[select "Hi $@, how are you?" from dmenu]
Hi Alice, how are you?